Key Features of An Efficient eWallet App- A Detailed Guide

In the last few years, the world has witnessed a sharp increase in the usage of online payment systems. With increased demand for eWallet apps, the need for eWallet app development services has also increased. Numerous financial institutions and startups have been opting for versatile eWallet app development solutions that can withstand the voracious world of the finance industry. 

When you have decided to develop a feature-rich and service-oriented e-wallet app, choosing the prominent features & functions becomes the most important task. You can hire your team to choose the necessary features and functions in your custom online payment app. On the other hand, you can also hire a reliable eWallet app development company to provide the required consultation. The company can help you choose the most prominent and user-centric features.

Key Features of A Profitable eWallet app

Incorporating essential features is an important aspect of any e-wallet app development company. It depends on several factors, such as customer requirements, ease of use, business model, future possibilities, business goals, new technologies, etc. Ensure that the incorporated features do not make the eWallet application heavy and complicated.  

Let’s look at the key features every eWallet application must have-

Easy Registration Process

The eWallet app registration process must be simple and easily understandable by every age group. The instructions provided by developers in the eWallet application must be clear. It helps users sign up on the app platform without any hassle. Ensure the signup process must not be lengthy and time-consuming. The usual sign-up process includes-

  • Install the app from the Google Play Store or the App Store.
  • Sign up using your personal information that includes Email ID and Mobile Number.
  • Verifying the code sent by the app software on the Email ID and Mobile Phone
  • Complete the signup process by registering yourself on the online payment platform.

Personal Data Setup

The next step after signing up on the eWallet app platform is entering details. The eWallet app development company developers must include this feature to set up a profile and save personal data on the app platform. It includes username, home address, debit/credit card details, bank details, one-time password, etc. Users can connect bank accounts and transfer funds from the bank account. The eWallet app development company must ensure the security of the user’s data.

Payments To and From Banks & eWallets

It is another crucial feature all eWallet app development solutions should have. Users must be able to make transactions between eWallet from other brands and the same brand. In addition, users must be able to make transactions from bank account to eWallet and vice versa. The transaction process must be encrypted and hassle-free. To develop an enterprise-level eWallet app, ensure the robust transaction process developed by the eWallet app development company.

QR Code Reader

QR reader is an essential feature provided by an eWallet app development company. While choosing new technologies to include during the eWallet app development solutions, AI, ML, QR reader, etc., are essential to consider. An option to generate an eWallet ID is also necessary for a fast transaction process. The mobile wallet owners should have a choice to transfer and receive funds through a variety of online options and in a few clicks.


Security is one of the most crucial parts of eWallet app development services. Users must be able to manage error-free transactions through various mediums, such as mobile numbers, QR scanners, and eWallet IDs. Ask your eWallet app development company to install enterprise-level security tools. Advanced eWallet applications also offer to pay bills for mobile phones, electricity, water, online recharge, and more. The secure transaction helps bring more customers, build a loyal customer base, and enhance credibility.

Transaction History

Transaction history is another important feature of the eWallet app. Whenever a transaction takes place on the app platform, users get the complete transaction details in this feature. A push notification is also sent by the eWallet app platform via SMS and Email. This feature carries information about the amount transferred/received by the user, sender name, date, time, and other useful information. When users want to revisit their past transactions, this feature can help them as an online receipt. Also, it’s useful for budgeting.

Coupons, Discounts, and Rewards

Rewards, coupons, and discounts can attract the users. These are some of the great marketing tactics used by marketing teams. From offering discounts to first-time users to releasing seasonal sales, eWallet app companies also offer discounts in various ways. In the relevant areas, the sales company offers various rewards and discounts to deal-seeking customers. It results in high user engagement, increased customer base, and strong CRM.

Bill Splitting

Bill splitting is another significant feature every eWallet app development company must incorporate. In this era of online payments, online payment of bills and splitting it online has been becoming a norm. For a successful eWallet app, the eWallet app development solutions must include this feature. It helps eWallet app companies offer various rewards, coupons, discounts, and tickets for using this feature on the app.

In-app Chatbot

In-app chatbot is a highly recommended and useful feature offered in app development services. The marketing and customer support team can help users in case of need and resolve queries regarding the online payment platform. Users also can submit their suggestions, questions, and queries to the in-app chatbot and get satisfactory answers.

Analytical Dashboard

An analytical dashboard is essential for users of the eWallet app. Every app development company must include this feature in the application. With the help of this feature, users can track their spending, manage their finances better, and make better decisions regarding wealth management. It results in better financial planning, more savings, and stopping unnecessary expenses. Therefore, a well-built AI-enabled app can help people with budget and finance planning. Unlock your brand’s full potential and reach new heights with our strategic social media marketing solutions.

Push Notifications

Push notifications help people manage their daily spending, make quick payments to merchants & other people, track their finances, and more. It alerts people with real-time notifications about the activities on the platform. Push notifications are useful to promote marketing services faster to customers. AI-enabled tools also track customer behavior and suggest suitable choices to users so users make better decisions.


As this article guides you through the best applications, it is wise to choose the right eWallet app development services. Your app development company can help you make better decisions by offering in-house consultations with industry experts. You can easily get features-rich and budget-friendly app development solutions by conducting thorough market research. Undoubtedly, the future of mobile payment apps is bright and promising. Every financial institute and organization must step into this field and offer unique services.